Dresden-IT GmbH
With qualified competencies in the areas of SAP, kVASy, EASY and their certified quality management and information security system, Dresden-IT GmbH contributes to the efficient design of your processes and thus the success of your company.
Dresden-IT GmbH was founded on June 29, 2001 as a subsidiary of the Technische Werke Dresden GmbH and the Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe AG.
Today, almost every value-adding business process is IT supported. We are a company with around 80 qualified employees that support you in the installation and maintenance of complex IT solutions.
Dresden-IT GmbH is an SAP Customer Center of Expertise of SAP AG, kVASy competence center (SIV.AG), Qualified Partner of EASY SOFTWARE AG and is certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 and ISO IEC 27001:2008.