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  • Accounts Payable Automation Workflow

    10 requirements for software for digital business processes

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  • Only supplier portals ensure efficient supplier management

    Purchasing experts are faced with the challenge of a heavy administrative workload every day. Supplier portals offer a solution here: by simplifying workflows and processes and saving time. Communication and collaboration are also much easier for the company’s purchasing team and external suppliers through this type of portal.

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  • More than just digital storage – from archive to knowledge hub

    Filing and archiving – this is what digital archives have been about for a long time. However, current concepts in Enterprise Content Management (ECM) show completely different ways of using digital filing.

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  • What should you pay attention to when introducing archiving software at your company?

    Investing in a system for audit-proof archiving represents an investment in the future. In this context, much depends on the current situation of your company. Before you implement an archiving solution, you should ask yourself important questions about it and answer them honestly.

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  • The electronic invoice – compulsory in the B2B segment as of 2025?

    Since 2020, German companies have been required to send all invoices for public contracts electronically as e-invoices. In future, all companies in Germany should only issue electronic invoices to each other in a structured data format.

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  • Cyber Security in 2023: Interview with IT Director Andreas Fey

    easy is a member of the Alliance for Cyber Security of the BSI (German Federal Office for Information Security). What does this commitment mean and why is high sensitivity to cyber security becoming more important with each passing year?

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  • Digital invoice approval: faster to booking and payment 

    Approval processes are the be-all and end-all in many companies and organizations. The accounts payable approval process in particular makes a big difference. As a control mechanism and work step, invoice approval has a fixed place in the invoice verification process. Every incoming invoice must go through this approval process; this work step is the…

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