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  • Accounts Payable Automation Workflow

    10 requirements for software for digital business processes

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  • Why Doing Nothing About BYOD Just Isn’t Good Enough

    What are we going to do about BYOD? You may think this is a redundant question – as for a lot of organizations, the reality is that BYOD, or Bring Your Own Device, has already ‘won.’

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  • Social collaboration: increasing importance for ERP

    The integration of social media technologies in enterprise resource planning could improve the social collaboration and the customer orientation of businesses, and help them to react in a more agile manner in the marketplace. This is the result of a global survey of ERP users.

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  • Digitalisation in healthcare: infrastructure alone is not enough

    In a guest column in a major German newspaper the Federal Minister of Health spoke clearly about digitalisation and networking in the German health care system. Under the title “Digitalisation need results – now!” he criticised blockages and delays in the introduction of the electronic health card (eGK).

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