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  • Accounts Payable Automation Workflow

    10 requirements for software for digital business processes

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  • Archiving obligations & social media: Do you know what you are doing?

    What do social media posts have in common with a normal letter or email? It’s quite simple: They are text-based. And this is precisely what poses the problems for companies.

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  • Agile and legally compliant foreign trade

    Foreign trade has always been subject to special obligations to produce supporting documents and involved specific legal regulations. Last year, however, compliance in this area gained a whole new dimension: The embargo against Russia, the long-standing crisis in Greece and with the euro, the transatlantic TTIP free trade agreement: One thing applies across the board…

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  • Contract lost – and what you can learn from it

    An untraceable contract from the 1980s recently caused a real tiz in a North Rhine-Westphalian town. The reason: A company located in a landscape conservation area wanted to extend its premises. Its legal predecessor had already extended in the aforementioned 1980s and, in doing so, had ensured that it would not extend again in the…

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  • Purchase invoices. How to stick to deadlines

    The need to optimise and accelerate processes is forever increasing – especially when it comes to the timely, efficient and legal-compliant processing and archiving of purchase invoices.

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  • Digital personnel files: Eagle eyes instead of dog-ears

    The audit-proof storing of documents that increases efficiency at work and reduces costs and company risk – it may sound like a flight of fancy, but it is possible. How? We will show you over the next few weeks, live in Dortmund, Frankfurt and Hamburg.

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  • Apps and business: the usability must work properly

    Apps are conquering the world. In the last year the industry giant Apple alone achieved a turnover of $15 billion with its mobile applications. Now more precise statistics are to hand. They show that increasingly more developers want a slice of the cake, while simultaneously the number of apps offered for sale continues to rise…

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