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  • Accounts Payable Automation Workflow

    10 requirements for software for digital business processes

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  • Purchase-to-Pay in SAP®: How to Make Your P2P Future-Proof

    Read this article to find out how Purchase-to-Pay in SAP can give you greater confidence in your actions and which tools you need to thoroughly digitalize your procurement process.

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  • 7 Challenges in Digital Document Workflow Management

    A document management system can be used to digitally represent numerous document-based processes. EASY Process Builder supports you in this, so that your workflows in the DMS are ready to go within a very short time.

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  • Data migration to SAP S/4HANA – clean master data from the start

    When you decide to switch to SAP S/4HANA, you are faced with the challenge of having to migrate your data to the new system. This is your chance to clean up and start with clean master data from the beginning!

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  • 7 mistakes regarding email archiving

    Although the guidelines for e-mail archiving are not new, there are still numerous myths and misconceptions circulating around the topic. in our article, we present the most common ones and explain what really applies.

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  • Blog: 6 reasons for email archiving

    In this blog, you’ll learn how to meet the daily flood of business emails and how to process and archive the information relevant to your company in a legally-compliant way. Here are 6 reasons for email archiving.

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  • Online-Hackathons – finding initial solutions together in the shortest time

    Start an online hackathon for your company’s future problems: you’ll not only quickly get creative ideas and solutions, you’ll also get to know some brilliant minds. You wonder how you do it and what you need to do it? Keep reading; below you’ll find a schematic online hackathon guide.

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